EndWarts® FREEZE frequently asked questions

Here you can find the answers to frequently asked questions about EndWarts® FREEZE:1-3

What is EndWarts® FREEZE?

EndWarts® FREEZE is a home treatment for warts. Clinically proven to effectively remove warts on hands and feet by cryotherapy, or freezing.

What does EndWarts® FREEZE contain?

EndWarts® FREEZE contains nitrous oxide (N2O) and is the coldest home wart treatment in Australia.

How does EndWarts® FREEZE work?

EndWarts® FREEZE uses Ultra Freeze TechnologyTM which freezes the wart at -80°C. This extremely cold temperature can reach the deepest layers of the wart. After just a few seconds of use, the core of the wart is reached and frozen. The body’s immunity then begins a process of rejecting the wart making it go into remission.

How to use EndWarts® FREEZE?

For the best results, it is important to follow the instructions and carefully read the leaflet before use.

How many treatments are needed to get rid of a wart?

Only one treatment may be sufficient. After seconds of use (15 sec on the hands, 40 sec on the feet), the core of the wart is reached and frozen. In most cases the wart will go away after the first treatment. Old or large warts may need more than one treatment, especially if they are on your foot. If a wart does not go away after 3 treatments, consult with your doctor. Remember to leave at least 14 days between treatments.

How long does it take before my wart disappears?

The treated wart will slowly disappear after 10-14 days. If the wart, or part of it, does not disappear within 14 days, you need to repeat the treatment steps. The skin may take longer to recover. Remember to leave at least 14 days between treatments.

My wart did not disappear 14 days after the treatment. What should I do now?

If the wart does not disappear after 14 days, repeat the treatment. If you have warts close together on your finger, foot or toe you should treat each wart on its own. Wait 14 days before treating your next wart. If a wart does not go away after 3 treatments, consult with your doctor. Remember to leave at least 14 days between treatments.

Can EndWarts® FREEZE be used for warts on children?

EndWarts® FREEZE can be used on children four and above. EndWarts® FREEZE should be applied by an adult when treating warts on children.

Can pregnant women or nursing mothers use EndWarts® FREEZE?

No specific research has been conducted so we recommend you consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Can a person with diabetes use EndWarts® FREEZE?

No, EndWarts® FREEZE should not be used by persons with diabetes and/or problems with blood circulation or blood clotting.

Can I use EndWarts® FREEZE in combination with other medications?

We recommend you consult your doctor or pharmacist for medical advice.

Is treatment with EndWarts® FREEZE painful?

EndWarts® FREEZE is likely to cause a tingling feeling and the skin may feel sore or irritated. These effects should go away after a few hours. Immediately after treatment, the treated area may turn white but should return to its normal color after a little while and the wart may look red. Within a few minutes to several days after freezing, a blister can develop, occasionally filled with blood. This is a normal result of the freezing process and usually indicates that the treatment was successful. Do not attempt to burst the blister. If necessary, protect it with a plaster/sterile bandage, or if the blister has opened, disinfect it properly.

The treated wart should slowly disappear after 10 to 14 days. However, it may take longer for the skin to fully recover.

If the wart is located on the sole of the foot, it may feel painful to walk on it. To make it less painful, apply a round corn plaster to the area.

  • Do not pick at the treated area or try to tear the wart off!
  • Keep the treated area clean and disinfect if needed.
  • Bathing and showering is allowed immediately after treatment.

If the side effects from EndWarts® FREEZE become serious, tell your doctor or pharmacist.

What to do if the product is empty or broken?

If you do not see frost or ice vapour after activation (step 1) it has run out of gas – use a new EndWarts® FREEZE.

If there is a continuous hiss sound after you have activated the product and all the gas runs out, the device is broken. Do not try to open or repair it yourself, even if you think it is empty, return the product to your pharmacy.

After I have activated and completed a treatment with EndWarts® FREEZE, do I need to deactivate it?

No, following treatment; wait two minutes, replace the tip, place the cap on and store the device in the fridge. Store for no longer than 2 months; mark it on the calendar.

Do I need to store EndWarts® FREEZE in the fridge?

Yes, after use replace the cap and store EndWarts® FREEZE in the fridge. Do not store in the freezer.

Why is EndWarts® FREEZE different, compared to other home freeze treatments at the pharmacies?

EndWarts® FREEZE is a home treatment with nitrous oxide, a very cold gas that freezes the wart at -80°C and reaches the deepest layer of the wart.

Treat your warts at home in seconds*1 with EndWarts® FREEZE.

*15 seconds on hands & 40 seconds on feet

EndWarts® FREEZE is available at your local pharmacy.


  1. EndWarts® FREEZE Instructions for use.
  2. In vitro temperature comparison of cryogenic wart treatment devices 2016. (Funding: Oystershell Laboratories).
  3. Walczuk I et al, Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2018;8:203 –16. (Funding: Oystershell Laboratories).